Cable Vs. The Collector
- The God of Comic Book Price Guides by Odins Hammer
Marvel Comics!
- Your friendly neighborhood comic book website!!
D.C. Comics
- Superman, Batman, and the guy who talks to fish
Dark Horse
- Albedo Labidos and NextMen all over the place.
Image Comics
- Spawned a new generation of comic book
Top Cow Comics
- The makers of Witchblade and the Darkness
Now Playing at a Theater Near You....
Comic Books Come to the Big Screen
- Get the goods on the up and coming feature film starring Nicholas Cage?
- The vampire hunter now on Video with Wesley Snipes in the lead
- Sure its corny but hell its fun!
X-Men: The Movie
- The devils advocate gone good, is breaking up the big screen!!
Fantastic Four
- Not yet much is known about this long awaited film!
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